Larnaca Medieval Castle is at the southern point of Finikoudes Beach on the city’s eastern shores.
This is a fascinating castle to explore the few remains of the city’s former defensive fortress in this museum and castle that overlook the Mediterranean Sea.
The Larnaca Fort, is an impressive landmark with a museum consisting of several rooms and interesting relics from the past. The Byzantine structure’s is not known, but is believed it was built during the Middle Ages in the 14th century to protect the town’s main harbour.
The Fort is reasonably well preserved, although some walls have fallen over the centuries. Sit on a bench and watch the waves of the Mediterranean Sea from this scenic setting, surrounded by palm trees and floral displays

You can enter the castle and walk through the various rooms of the museum. The courtyard hosts many cultural events in the summer. You can see interesting relics, such as Muslim and Christian headstones and an execution chamber. Read about the collection of photos of the structure from many decades ago. Learn about the fort’s rich history from the docents in the museum.
The British used it as a prison toward the end of the 19th century and the Germans occupied it during World War I. After the war, the British reinstated the prison with gallows where executions took place until 1948.
The museum is open all the year-round from morning until late afternoon, with later closing times in the summer.